Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Challenge Updates

Hello everyone! :)

  I'm here to talk with you about my challenge situation. I'm not happy to announce that until the end of the month I won't be able to come here and post my nails, nor even paint my nails. And it's all due to a reason: I'm starting my University times again and until the end of the month I'll have to use my University suit. I don't know if where you are from have this custom, but here in Portugal we do it a lot! Well, having to use my University suit forbids me of walking around with my nails colored, it's against the rules. So... We all have to wait until the end of the month to begin again my challenge.

  I'm sad to give you these news, but I really can't avoid it, and believe me I would if I could. I will also use this break time from my challenge to "clean" my nails and to let them breathe, 'cause I think it's not healthy to my nails having them in contact with acetone, or nail polish remover, every single day. 

  P.S.: If you have no idea what a portuguese University suit looks like, take a look! 

  I have to wear something looked like the left one, and boys wear one like the right one. It's a really amazing thing, 'cause when we dress our university suits we all look the same, there's no racism, no discrimination, anything. It's an incredible feeling. 
  Once again, I'm extremely sorry about this issue. Thanks everyone, I love you.

  Patrícia. :)


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