Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Hello everyone! 

  I'm sorry I haven't been posting anything in a while, but I had a few personal problems that caused me lack of time... I don't know how often I will be able to come here and post new updates, but I promise that from now on I will be doing it once in a while! 

  Lately, I haven't had any inspiration to make any new nail art designs, I can say that I'm a bit unmotivated... So, I've decided that everytime I remember, I'll show you what color are on my nails! And as it is summer time around here, there's tons of bright and cheerful colors that you can wear on your nails!

  With that being said I present you a few color combinations, inspired by some images, that I think that are perfect to wear during summer! Of course, there are tons of different shades, some more dark, other ones more bright, but these are the ones I want to show you for now:

  #1 Mostly consists in some nude colors, I chose these ones because not everyone has the possibility to wear super bright and fun colors on their nails. This set is composed by a dark green that resembles to a green lake water, where there's a huge amount of flora and living creatures. There's also this pink that is not as bright as most of you may wish, but it is a great color to wear during summer. The three remaining colors are basic nudes that you can use all year.

  #2 In continuation of the previous set, these colors are a little bit more bright, but still not entirely bright and neon. There's  this kinda darker green, resembling to an asparagus green that is smooth to wear and perfect for a professional look on your nails. I've chosen two bright colors for this set, that probably are the most seen ones: the light green and the hot pink. Last but not least I chose a very very very very cloudy super light pink to complete this set.

  #3 Is a completely different scenario. Inspired by a photograph taken in the Netherlands (not by me) I chose these 5 matching color. A brownish green and a dark pink, again, to wear during a more professional occasion, a kind of nude pink that is darker than the previous pink, and two different sky blues.

  #4 Is inspired by a peacock feather, going from a bit darker purple to a light one, from a really light blue so a super cute to wear blue and also a super almost white purple. These color are a lot more fun to wear than the previous ones and are definitely my favourite set. Not only because my favourite color is purple, but also because I love the way that these blues match with my skin tone. 

  #5 I don't think that yellow and orange matches my skin tone, but it looks amazing in certain people. Inspired by a summer sunset, I chose a really light sunny yellow that looks great if you have a tanned skin tone, as well as the orange. I also chose a deep sea blue, more like a dark blue with a purplish touch, because even though it is a dark color it can look great on your nails if you have a really light skin tone. Again, I've chosen two different shades of purple that can be seen in the sky of the picture. 

  Apart from the colors, my blog can now be followed using Bloglovin. So don't forget to follow me up: Everything-About-Nails-Bloglovin.

  Hope you've enjoyed my come back. 

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